Real Celluloid Pre-CBS style Guards
DISCONTINUED! ...ST62'/64 and Tele Guards SOLD OUT! Sorry
We spend double time compare to the normal guard ageing process, because real Nitrate/Celluloid guards reacting differnet to the ageing process...
Our Celluloid guards offered Standard aged or Smoked aged...
Hopefully we will get another run early 2025
In our opinion the best aftermarket real Celluloid'/Nitrate Green Guard available...btw. there are no other we know! This is the second run of real Celluloid guards we offer, now with many updates to the old version as follow! -Light Greenish color with just the right amount of blue...(like the old Fender guards) -Thicker Black Middle Layer -Chatter marks from router -Light Milky Toplayer like the old ones -Different deep countersunk holes for mounting and pickupscrews -Vintage style scoop (depending on model) -Typical semi gloss back like old guards -Available 1962' & 64' style 11-hole pattern -Fits Vintage - US & Mexico Vintage series guitars -The smell of real Celluloid!
We dont guarantee that the guards fits all Vintage Fender guitars since most was handmade and sligtly vary!

Our new "Green23" Replacement guards becomes a BESTSELLER within several weeks. We think this is the best aftermarket Greenguards which is closest to the old Fender Nitrate Guards! Click picture to enlarge!