AOA Premium Ageing Option
30 years Experience in details! The BEST ageing we offer with all those nice details of old Strat guards

We took our 30 years experience in this Premium ageing service to offer guards with all those nice typical vintage look details...
-More detailed ageing overall
-Gloss-Semigloss Bevel,. with add. light discolored bottom layer you often see on old Guitars (From cleaning/polishing)
-Smoother handbuffed Bevel, with more visible Bleeding effect (Black to toplayer from sheet glueing)
-Handbuffed surface with the right amount of gloss! (Not scratched to death) some nice signs of wear with the typical speckle look of old guards
-Typical yellow discoloration around the pickuproutings incl. light dirt
This is an add. option you can purchase when you order one of our aged guards!
The Premium Option is always added to the guard you order! For Example...... you buy NOS Aged Guard 49€ plus Premium Ageing Option 15€ TOTAL 64€ / You buy Heavy Aged Guard 69€ plus Premium Ageing Option 15€ Total 84€.
We took our 30 years experience in this Premium ageing service to offer guards with all those nice typical vintage look details...
-More detailed ageing overall
-Gloss-Semigloss Bevel,. with add. light discolored bottom layer you often see on old Guitars (From cleaning/polishing)
-Smoother handbuffed Bevel, with more visible Bleeding effect (Black to toplayer from sheet glueing)
-Handbuffed surface with the right amount of gloss! (Not scratched to death) some nice signs of wear with the typical speckle look of old guards
-Typical yellow discoloration around the pickuproutings incl. light dirt