"Black'n'Gold" Speed "Grip" Knobs Set 4
The Knob with extra Grip...Speed "Grip" Version New "Black'n'Gold" Series...Oxidised Gold.......shimmer from gold to black depending on fiew...Embossed Numbers...looks very nice!
The Knob with extra Grip...Speed "Grip" Version New "Black'n'Gold" Series...Oxidised Gold.......shimmer from gold to black depending on fiew...Embossed Numbers...looks very nice!
There are hundrets of knobs out at the market...we offer a nice slection of the best...incl. rare and hard to find knobs...our Black'n'Gold Series is one of our bestsellers along to our Vintage tinted Gibson style knobs...
Not just simple knobs...we offer Custommade knobs to our specs (Made in Japan) incl. real Vintage CAB (Celluslose Acetate Butyrate) Knobs...the Vintage Series offers fully tined material from factory (not oversprayed) incl. a Series with slightly yellow numbers...The Vintage CAB knobs are same material like the old 50's Gibson knobs and unique in look and feel...
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