64' ST "Green23" Vintage Bevel Guard
Premium Grade - 64' "Green23" new color! Pickguard for Strat
Color is very close to org. old Nitrate Guards (not so Green like the most aftermarket guards) This Guards has a Vintage Wide Bevel, thicker Black layer!More Vintage correct which gives a nice vintage look to the bevel edge. Correct (different) Countersunk for Pickguard, Switch and Pickup Mounting Screws for perfect tight fit!
-New 23' Greenish Color, a bit lighter compare to our Bestseller Green Guards with a just a right touch of blue...
-11 Hole Vintage Mint Green a bit lighter an closer to our Celluloid pickguards for Strat, 3 Ply.- Scoop- Made in Japan, this guard is the U.S. 64 template and will fit US/Mexican Vintage reissue Series.
-Slightly translucent top to imitate the typical "bleeding" look of the top layer with the Black middle layer!